Most nouns including those ending in a silent "e" will be cjanged to their pplural form by adding "s".
Book - Books
Brake - Brakes
Pencil - Pencils
Person - Persons
Actor - Actors
Runner - Runners
Nouns ending in "ch", "tch", "sh", "x", "z", "zz", "s", "ss", are made plural by adding "es"
Gas - Gases
Box - Boxes
Buzz - Buzzes
Lunch - Lunches
Watch - Watches
Kiss - Kisses
Nouns ending in "y" precedeed by a consonant are made plural by changing the "y" for an "i" and adding "es".
Baby - Babies
City - Cities
Story - Stories
Democracy - Democracies
Proper nouns ending in a final "y" are made plural by adding "s"
Kennedy - Kennedys
Zeivy - Zeivys
Levy - Levys
Bromley - Bromleys
When a "y" is preceded by a vowel (ay, ey, oy, uy)
Day - Days
Key - Keys
Guy - Guys
Boy - Boys
Some nouns ending in "f" or "fe" are made plural by changing the "f" for a "v" and then add "es".
Life - Lives
Leaf - Leaves
Knife - Knives
Wife - Wives
Shelf - Shelves
Wolf - Wolves
Some nouns ending in "f" or "fe" only add "s".
Gulf - Gulfs
Safe - Safes
Roof - Roofs
Chief - Chiefs
Some Nouns that end in "o" preceded by a consonant are made plural by adding "es".
Echo - Echoes
Hero - Heroes
Mosquito - Mosquitoes
Embargo - Embargoes
Other noun ending in "o" proceded by a consonant are made plural by adding "s".
Casino - Casinos
Torso - Torsos
Dynamo - Dynamos
Ego - Egos
There is a small group of nouns ending in "o" that are made plural by adding either "s" or "es".
Buffalo - Buffalloes - Buffalos
Volcano - Volcanoes - Volcanos
Halo - Haloes - Halos
Zero - Zeroes - Zeros
Tornado - Tornadoes - Tornados
Nouns ending in "o" prceded by a vowel and most muscical instruments ending in "o" are made plural by adding "s".
Folio - Folios
Bamboo - Bamboos
Radio - Radios
Piano - Pianos
Sopranos - Sopranos
Banjio - Banjios
Compound nouns are usually made plural by making the principal noun plural.
Mother-in- law - Mothers-in-law
Notebook - Notebooks
Horseman - Horsemen
Music lesson - Music lessons
Compound nouns mad of two nouns of equal importance are made them plural by making both nouns plural.
Woman driver - Women drivers
Manservant - Menservants
Some nouns do not change forms from singular to plural.
Deer - Deer
Sheep - Sheep
Fish - Fish
Chinese - Chinese
Series - Series
Forceps - Forceps
Some nouns are only used in the plural form.